Korea University Department of English Language and Literature

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Program Description


The Graduate Program in the Department of English Language and Literature at Korea
University was established in 1951. It is one of the oldest programs in the university and has long been distinguished for its research and teaching. The Department offers a Master of Arts degree and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in the four areas of classical English literature, modern British literature, American literature, and English linguistics. The department has strong concentrations in several specialized areas based on the expertise of its distinguished faculty. Areas include but are not limited to chronologically defined fields, colonial and post-colonial studies, ethnic literatures, drama, literary criticism, and theoretical and applied linguistics. The Graduate Program aims primarily to prepare students for independent work as scholars and teachers by developing their individual abilities to pose and investigate problems in advanced studies of English literature or English linguistics.

Fields of Study

English Linguistics ( 영어학 전공 )
1. phonetics, phonology
2. syntax , semantics
3. Applied Linguistics , English pedagogy 

English Literature ( 영문학 전공 )
1. Classical English Literature
2. Modern English Literature
3. American Literature


Course Descriptions


ENG 513 Modern Literary Theory 1 [3]

A selective survey of modern critical theories and methods. Addresses various literary issues of modern British, American, and European literary theories.

ENG 514 Modern Literary Theory 2 [3]

See ENG 513.

ENG 515 History of English Literary Criticism [3]

Traces the historical development of British and American literary theories from the Greek era through to the present day. Discusses the achievements of the British and American literary theories.




ENG 519 Academic Writing in English [3]

An intensive course aimed at developing skills in writing and editing research papers for presentation and publication. Students will be required to write and present research papers in English, and this will be followed by class discussion.

ENG 520 Readings in Interpretation [3]

Close readings in a selection of critical essays in order to develop skills in reading, interpreting, analysing and writing critical essays. Department of English Language and Literature

ENG 521 College English Education [3]

This course explores issues related to college English education. It is intended to provide experience regarding college English education by focusing on teaching and learning methodology, materials preparation, classroom management, testing, and practical teaching skills.

ENG 522 Special Topics in English Literary Theory [3]

An advanced seminar to explore variable topics. Examines and critiques some of the classic and current theoretical trends, issues, controversies, and problems.

ENG 523 Research Methods in English Literature [3]

Introduces various techniques of research and scholarly procedure in literary studies, and provides basic guidelines for writing research papers, theses, and dissertations.

ENG 524 Research Methods in English Linguistics [3]

Introduces various techniques of research and scholarly procedure in linguistic studies, and provides basic guidelines for writing research papers, theses, and dissertations.

ENG 601 Old English [3]

An introduction to Old English grammar and literature, with focus on reading and interpreting prose and poetry written in Old English.

ENG 602 Middle English [3]

A survey of the English language from the Norman Conquest to 1500. Middle English texts will be read and studied with emphasis on the chronological changes in phonetics, syntax and vocabulary.

ENG 603 Medieval English Literature [3]

A survey of medieval English literature from the twelfth century to the Renaissance. Authors will include Chaucer, Langland, and the Gawain-poet, as well as less familiar writers, who will be studied within their historical, religious and cultural contexts.

ENG 608 Eighteenth-Century English Novel [3]

Studies the emergence of the novelistic form and major eighteenth-century novelists, including Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, and Sterne. Attention will also be paid to the sentimental novel, gothic novel and novels by women writers.

ENG 609 Milton [3]

An intensive course on Paradise Lost, with attention to historical and religious and intellectual backgrounds.

ENG 614 Special Topics in English Literature before the Nineteenth Century 1 [3]

Focus on one or more special topics in English literature covering the period from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century. Topics will vary.

ENG 615 Special Topics in English Literature before the Nineteenth Century 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 614

ENG 621 Shakespeare 1 [3]

Offers an introduction to Shakespeare through a focus on a central complex of energy in his plays: plot/structure, theme, language, characterization and spectacle. Major emphasis will also be placed on the cultural context and performance conditions.


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ENG 622 Shakespeare 2 [3]

Reviews critical/theatrical/filmic approaches to controversial characters of Shakespeare, including recent rebellions such as "post-colonial" and "inter-cultural."

ENG 623 Renaissance English Poetry [3]

Major poets of the Renaissance, including Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare, as well as less familiar poets, will be studied to give students a comprehensive understanding of

Renaissance English poetry. Particular attention will be paid to topics such as Petrarchanism, self-fashioning, the court and its influence, emergent nationalism and cult of Elizabeth and other cultural contexts.

ENG 624 Augustan and Eighteenth-Century Satire [3]

Examines the satirical mode and tradition going back to Horace and Juvenal. A wide range of satires in the Augustan period will be examined, with special attention to cultural contexts. Readings include Dryden, Butler, Pope and Swift and Johnson.

ENG 625 Early Seventeenth-Century English Literature [3]

Important poetic and prose works of the earlier half of the seventeenth century will be studied. Readings include works by Donne, Jonson, Bacon, Browne, among others. Dramatic works will be excluded.

ENG 626 Renaissance Drama [3]

Offers an introduction to the drama of the English Renaissance, situating it within the contexts of the turn-of-the century environments of social and ideological conflicts and change. Major emphasis will also be placed on the cultural context and performance conditions.

ENG 627 Major English Writers before the Nineteenth Century 1 [3]

An in-depth study of one major writer or a group of writers from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century.

ENG 628 Major English Writers before the Nineteenth Century 2 [3]

See ENG 627.


ENG 630 Restoration Drama [3]

Special focus on the study and analysis of the representative English drama in the Restoration period.

ENG 631 Special Topics in English Literature before the Nineteenth Century 3 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 614.

ENG 703 English Romantic Poetry [3]

A survey of the major English romantic poets of 1780-1830, paying attention to the general characteristics of Romanticism and the achievements of individual poets.

ENG 709 Modern British Drama [3]

Covers representative British drama from Shaw to Churchill. Although the course is concerned with the overall development of British drama, major emphasis will center around the cultural context and performance conditions of selected plays.

ENG 710 Victorian Poetry [3]

A survey of the major Victorian poets of 1830-1900, paying attention to the general characteristics of Victorian poetry and the achievements of individual poets.

Department of English Language and Literature 211

ENG 717 Special Topics in Modern British Literature 1 [3]

An intensive study of special topics in the modern British literature since the nineteenth century with a specific critical/theoretical perspective. Topics may vary.

ENG 718 Special Topics in Modern British Literature 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 717.

ENG 721 Nineteenth-Century British Novel 1 [3]

Aims at understanding the characteristics of the nineteenth-century English novel by examining the representative works of such major writers ranging from Jane Austen, to Dickens, relating them to the Victorian thought.

ENG 722 Nineteenth-Century British Novel 2 [3]

Studies Realism and the nineteenth-century novel, with focus on major novelists ranging from George Eliot to Hardy. Special attention will be paid to Victorian thought and cultural contexts.

ENG 723 Modern British Prose [3]

Examines the representative works of the nineteenth-century prose writers such as Lamb, Hazlitt, Carlyle, Ruskin and Arnold.

ENG 724 Modern British Novel 1 [3]

Provides a selective coverage of the twentieth-century British novel before 1950. Reads and discusses novels by Kipling, Conrad, Lawrence, Joyce, Forster, Woolf, Orwell, Cary, and Greene.

ENG 725 Modern British Novel 2 [3]

Provides a selective coverage of the twentieth-century British novel after 1950. Reads and discusses novels by Golding, Amis, Rhys, McEwan, Carter, Naipaul, Thomas, Swift, Winterson, Rushdie, Phillips, and Ishiguro.

ENG 726 Twentieth-Century British Poetry 1 [3]

A survey of earlier twentieth-century English poetry by examining major poets of 1900-1945.

ENG 727 Twentieth-Century British Poetry 2 [3]

A survey of contemporary English poetry by examining major poets since 1945.

ENG 728 Irish Literature [3]

Studies representative works of Irish writers, with attention to the social, political and cultural contexts of Ireland.

ENG 729 Postcolonial Literature [3]

An overview of world literatures in English. The readings of the writers from Africa, West Indies, and India are thematically linked by the their problematization of British imperialism and colonialism.

ENG 730 Modern British Writers 1 [3]

An intensive study of particular modern British writers since the nineteenth century with a specific critical/theoretical perspective. Topics may vary.

ENG 731 Modern British Writers 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See Eng 730.


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ENG 733 Special Topics in Modern British Literature 3 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 717.

ENG 734 Modern British Writers 3 [3]

Refer to ENG 730.

ENG 741 Special Topics in Modern British Poetry [3]

This course will examine special topics in the British poetry since the nineteenth century. Topics may vary.

ENG 742 Special Topics in Modern British Drama [3]

This course is for special topics in modern British drama. Topics may vary and possible topics may include Irish drama, Feminist drama, and Shakespeare's influence on modern British drama.

ENG 743 Special Topics in Modern British Novel [3]

An intensive study of special topics in the modern British novel since the nineteenth century with a specific critical/theoretical perspective. Topics may vary.

ENG 744 British Women Writers [3]

An intensive study of the tradition of women's writings, the feminine consciousness in relation to the status of women in Britain, and women's reaction to the British historical, cultural, and political heritages reflected in the works of British women writers.

ENG 745 Nineteenth-Century British Poetry 1 [3]

An intensive study of a specific topic in the nineteenth-century British poetry, 1780-1900. The course may examine the relationship between Romantic Poetry and Victorian Poetry or the relationship between the ineteenth-century British poetry in general and its historical backgrounds such as intellectual, socioeconomic, or cultural histories.

It may also discuss the significance of poetic forms, genres, and artistic trends in the period.

Other topics relevant to the genre and the period are possible.

ENG 746 Nineteenth-Century British Poetry 2 [3]

An intensive study of a specific topic in the nineteenth-century British poetry, 1780-1900. The course may examine the relationship between Romantic Poetry and Victorian Poetry or the relationship between the nineteenth-century British poetry in general and its historical backgrounds such as intellectual, socioeconomic, or cultural histories. It may also discuss the significance of poetic forms, genres, and artistic trends in the period. Other topics relevant to the genre and the period are possible.

ENG 805 American Drama [3]

Reads representative American drama from Eugene O'Neill to Tony Kushner.

Though the course is concerned with the overall development of American drama, major emphasis will center around the cultural context and performance conditions of selected plays.

ENG 807 American Prose [3]

Examines the works of national leaders and writers who have had a great effect on the spiritual lives and the cultural formation of the American people, ranging from the American Colonial period, the Independence War, the cultural awakening era of the nineteenth century up to the present, focusing on the national spirit and the cultural foundations of the American people.

Department of English Language and Literature 213

ENG 809 Early American Literature [3] 

An examination of American literature until after the Independence War through reading major works and investigation of the general history and culture, which became the background in the formation of the United States of America.

ENG 810 Major American Writers 1 [3]

An in-depth study of American poets and critics individually or by their school of thought.

ENG 811 Major American Writers 2 [3]

See ENG 810.

ENG 812 Special Topics in American Literature 1 [3]

Topics of historical and cultural importance among diverse topics represented as special issues or phenomena in the developing process of American literature through analyses of these topics.

ENG 813 Special Topics in American Literature 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 812.

ENG 814 American Minority Literature 1 [3]

Focus on literature by American minorities such as Korean Americans, African Americans, Native Indians and Hispanics.

ENG 815 American Minority Literature 2 [3]

See ENG 814.

ENG 818 Seminar in American Culture [3]

A study of the cultural milieu and traditions revealed in American literature with the aim of giving a deep insight into American culture.

ENG 821 American Novel 1 [3]

Covers a wide range of modern American literature by studying major authors such as Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, Mark Twain and Henry James.

ENG 822 American Novel 2 [3]

A study of the development of the American novel through reading in the works of the major writers from 1900 to 1945, with a thematic focus on realism and/or modernism. 

ENG 823 American Novel 3 [3]

A study of the development of the American novel from the early twentieth to twenty-first centuries, including modernism, postmodernism, and multiculturalism.

ENG 824 Nineteenth-Century American Literature [3]

Lectures on and discussion of the major texts of the American Literature through the nineteenth century, covering American Renaissance and American literature from the Civil War.

ENG 826 American Women Writers [3]

Explores the selected works of American women writers with attention to cultural, literary and social backgrounds. Topics will vary from year to year.


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ENG 827 Special Topics in American Literature 3 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 812.

ENG 829 Modern American Poetry 1 [3]

A survey of the achievements of individual poets and the major historical and cultural movements by reading selected, diverse works of modern American poets.

ENG 830 Modern American Poetry 2 [3]

An advanced survey of modern and contemporary American poetry with attention to key issues and debates within the field such as a female poetic tradition, environment, minority and ethnic issues, postmodern avant-garde, and poetics.

ENG 901 English Phonology 1 [3]

An introductory course in English phonology which will cover structuralism, phonemics, and phonetics.

ENG 902 English Morphology [3]

An introduction to English morphology, which is designed to examine English morphological theories based on Structuralism and Transformational-generative grammar.

ENG 903 English Syntax 1 [3]

Discussions and practice in various syntactic topics and investigation of the comprehensive development of syntactic theories.

ENG 904 English Syntax 2 [3]

Discussions and practice in various syntactic topics of transformational-generative grammar based on Government & Binding Theory and current theories.

ENG 905 English Semantics [3]

Examines lexical semantics and formal semantics.

ENG 906 English Phonology 2 [3]

Discussions and practice in Generative Phonology including SPE.

ENG 914 Traditional English Grammar [3]

Introduction to prominent texts of scientific English Grammar by such writers as Sweet, Jespersen, Kruisinga, Poutsma, Curme, Onions, with a chronological survey of the traditional English grammar.

ENG 915 English Stylistics [3]

Focus on analyzing literary works by applying theories of English phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.

ENG 916 Seminar in English Phonology [3]

Analysis and comparison of post-SPE phonological theories such as Natural Phonology, Autosegmental Phonology, and Metrical Phonology, etc.

ENG 918 English Phonetics [3]

An in-depth study of prosodic features of modern English Phonetics, such as stress, intonation, etc.

ENG 919 Seminar in English Syntax [3]

Recent syntactic theories will be focused on and analyzed from a new perspective. Department of English Language and Literature


ENG 920 Seminar in English Phonetics [3]

Focus on the phonetic characteristics of modern English through laboratory phonetics, and research methods, which will be applied to the teaching of English as a foreign language and speech recognition/synthesis.

ENG 921 History of English Syntactic Theory [3]

Focus on Generative Grammar and will cover the formation of the Principles and Parameters Theory to the establishment of recent theories.

ENG 922 History of English Phonological Theory [3]

A historical survey of the developments and transitions of English Phonological Theory, ranging from Structural Linguistics of Europe, Structural Linguistics of America to Generative Phonology.

ENG 923 Special Topics in English Phonetics 1 [3]

A comprehensive study of English Phonetics, including acoustics and laboratory phonology.

ENG 924 Special Topics in English Phonetics 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 923.

ENG 925 Special Topics in English Phonology 1 [3]

An introduction to recent theories and main issues of Phonology. 

ENG 926 Special Topics in English Phonology 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 925.

ENG 927 Special Topics in English Syntax 1 [3]

An introduction to recent theories and main issues of Syntax.

ENG 928 Special Topics in English Syntax 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 927.

ENG 929 Special Topics in English Semantics 1 [3]

Introduction to recent theories and main issues of Semantics.

ENG 930 Special Topics in English Semantics 2 [3]

Topics may vary. See ENG 929.

ENG 933 Sociolinguistics [3]

This course covers basic concepts and issues in sociolinguistics, with a substantial focus on English. The relationship between society and language is investigated through topics including but not limited to variables such as gender, age, and social class.

ENG 934 Sociolinguistics and English Education [3]

This course investigates the pedagogical implications of sociolinguistic studies regarding English education. Perspectives include intercultural communication, language diversity, multilingualism, language ideology and power, and language policy.

ENG 935 English Acquisition [3]

This course focuses on a critical examination of the teaching and learning of English as a second/foreign language. An overview of teaching methodology and current issues in teaching and leanring will be investigated.


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ENG 937 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [3]

This course examines the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Methodology, concepts, and issues regardng the teaching of English to non-native speakers will be covered. 

ENG 938 English Pragmatics [3]

This course explores issues related to pragmatics. It is intended to provide a formal characterization of discourse competence by focusing on the Cooperative Principle, conversational and conventional implicature, speech acts, reference, presupposition, and other topics.

ENG 940 Workshop in English Syntactic Research [3]

Students pursue individual research projects in syntactic analysis. Class meets for presentation of student research and discusses background reading. It focuses on developing skills in syntactic argumentation and presentation of findings.

ENG 941 Special Topics in the Interface between Syntax and Semantics 1 [3]

This course is designed to enable students to follow current research in the syntax-semantics interface. The emphasis is on gaining familiarity with the central empirical phenomena, as well as core theoretical notions, methodology, and argumentation.

ENG 942 Special Topics in the Interface between Syntax and Semantics 2 [3]

This course is designed to enable students to follow current research in the syntax-semantics interface. The emphasis is on gaining familiarity with the central empirical phenomena, as well as core theoretical notions, methodology, and argumentation.

ENG 943 Topics in Applied Linguistics1 [3]

This course explores a specific topic in applied linguistics. Areas covered include but are not limited to langage acquisition, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics.

ENG 944 Topics in Applied Linguistics2 [3]

This course explores a specific topic in applied linguistics. Areas covered include but are not limited to langage acquisition, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics.

ENG 945 Topics in English Education1 [3]

This course explores a specific topic in English education. Areas that may be covered are materials development, language policy, and language assessment.

ENG 946 Topics in English Education2 [3]

This course explores a specific topic in English education. Areas that may be covered are materials development, language policy, and language assessment.

ENG 947 Psycholinguistics [3]

This course provides a general overview of psycholinguistics. Areas such as the nature of language, language development, language use, and language impairment are covered

ENG 948 Psycholinguistics and English Education [3]

This course provides an introduction to psycholinguistics and English teaching methods and discusses issues common to the fields of linguistics and psychology, such as the practicality of grammar, theories of language acquisition (including SLA and FLA), relationship between language and thought, and language use. The course also covers the relationship between such issues with English education.